Kim combines the best of different theories and concepts in workshops that suit exactly the needs of his audiences. His great facilitation skills help people to getting in touch with their core values and to identifying personal development phases. This learning is then used to create an alignment of personal achievements with organizational goals in order to create value at workplace. Strong passion for understanding of human nature and deep knowledge of psychology drive Kim’s work. He helps individuals to discover their life’s purpose and fulfill dreams, and companies – to create compassionate working environment and to achieve desired results. You leave his workshops equipped with specific tools and actions you can take to move forward quickly
Natalie Kjaergaard, Bigel Consulting / Nordea
Hej Kim - S.O.S. Sandheden om salg - det er kanon! - mange tak for et fantastisk produkt! Har anbefalet det til samtlige af mine kollegaer
Mads Wedderkop
Tak for dit meget inspirerende indlæg som kom helt omkring de vigtigste aspekter ved opstart af egen virksomhed. Dels det forretningsmæssige og dels det menneskelige. Jeg har allerede fået gode tilbagemeldinger fra vores medlemmer og kan varmt anbefale dig og dit kursus til andre.
Anders Holm Chefkonsulent, Akademikernes
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